● 데바데 패치노트 데드바이데이라이트 3.5.0 Mid-chapter 번역

Broadcaster 살구__
2020-02-15 18:06:58 2549 2 0


  • Feature - Added a Compendium page in the Archives. This page allows users to go back to previous Tomes and complete challenges. Completing challenges from a previous Tome will not give the user Rift Fragments.
  • Feature - Added a new Rift and Challenges for Tome II in the Archives.
  • Feature - Showing/Hiding the tally screen chat is persistent after every match. This feature has been added to each type of chat (party, online and tally) and is independent for each chat.
  • Feature - Added cross compatibility support for the party, lobby and tally chat between Windows Store users.
  • Feature - Removed the invert camera in-game keybinding and from the Controls menu. This option is still available in the Settings menu.
  • Content - Updated the Treatment Theatre map (see details below in the BALANCE section).
  • Content - Removed Twitch Challenges feature.
  • Content - Removed Dutch & Swedish language support. 
  • Content - Disabled the Cursed Legacy thematic lobby.


  • Gatekeeper Emblem (살인마 발전기 점수 엠블럼) : 모든 발전기가 분당 1점의 점수를 주고 게임 끝났을 때 탈출구가 열리지 않았을 때의 각각의 탈출구마다 점수를 얻는다.
  • 헥스:루인 변경점 : 모든 발전기는 헥스: 루인의 영향을 받는다. 발전기가 작동하지 않을 경우, 살인마가 발로 찼을 때 발전기가 퇴보하는양의100/150/200%로 게이지가 줄어든다. 헥스 효과는 관련 헥스 토템이 박살나지 않을 때까지 지속된다. 
  • 오니 : 이제 광폭화 상태에서 돌진중 방망이가 90도까지 꺾임.

The Doctor changes

  • 인 게임에서의 닥터의 환영이 대기실 자세가 아니라 새로운 애니메이션을 추가했습니다.
  • 치료모드(자기장모드)가 삭제되었고 대신 신 기술인 스태틱 블레스트가 추가되었습니다. 닥터는 더 이상 치료모드와 처벌모드를 스위칭 할 수 없습니다.
  • 닥터의 전용 추격 BGM이 추가되었습니다.
  • 닥터의 두 번째 기술인 스태틱 블레스트가 추가되었습니다.
  • 전기 충격의 쿨타임이 1.5초가 되었습니다. 이것은 닥터가 그의 무기로 때리거나 충격 요법을 쓰거나 스태틱 블레스트를 사용하는데 1.5초가 걸릴 것이라는 것을 의미한다. 
  • 전기 충격의 범위가 10% 늘었습니다.
  • 범위를 늘리는 애드온이 더 이상 전기 충격의 폭을 넓혀주지 않습니다. 오직 전기 충격의 길이만 길게 해줍니다. 자세한 내용은 아래 추가 기능 변경을 참조하십시오. 
  • 전기 충전시 이동 속도를 70%에서 67%로 낮춰서 속도가 3.08m/s 이 되었습니다.
  • 광기 단계는 닥터의 심장소리 반경 안에서는 내려가지 않습니다. 오직 닥터의 심장소리 밖에서만 광기 게이지가 내려갑니다.
  • "Order" - Class I add-on: 스태틱 블레스트의 전기 충격 효과가 조금 증가합니다.
  • "Order" - Class II add-on: 스태틱 블레스트의 전기 충격 효과가 적당히 증가합니다.
  • "Order" - Carter's Notes add-on: 스태틱 블레스트의 전기 충격 효과가 상당히 증가합니다.
  • "Calm" - Class I add-on: 스태틱 블레스트가 준비되었을 때의 심장 범위가 조금 증가합니다. 스태틱 블레스트를 쓰고 준비중일 때의 심장 범위가 조금 감소합니다.
  • "Calm" - Class II add-on: 스태틱 블레스트가 준비되었을 때의 심장 범위가 적당히 증가합니다. 스태틱 블레스트를 쓰고 준비중일 때의 심장 범위가 적당히 감소합니다.
  • "Calm" - Carter's Notes add-on: 스태틱 블레스트가 준비되었을 때의 심장 범위가 상당히 증가합니다. 스태틱 블레스트를 쓰고 준비중일 때의 심장 범위가 상당히 감소합니다.
  • Moldy Electrode add-on: 전기 충격의 차징 타임과 범위가 살짝 증가합니다.
  • Polished Electrode add-on: 전기 충격의 차징 타임과 범위가 적당히 증가합니다.
  • High-Stimulus add-on: 전기 충격의 차징 타임과 범위가 상당히 증가합니다.
  • Interview Tape add-on: 레어도가 Uncommon(노란색)에서 Rare(초록색)로 변경되었습니다.
  • "Obedience" - Carter's Notes add-on: 레어도가 Very Rare(보라색)에서 Rare(초록색)으로 변경되었습니다. 광기단계 2단계 이상의 생존자들이 상당한 확률로 스킬체크가 역방향으로 나옵니다.
  • Scrapped Tape: 이름이 체스퀸으로 변경되었습니다. 레어도가 Uncommon(노란색) 에서 Ultra Rare(빨간색)으로 변경되었습니다. 생존자들이 전기 충격 혹은 스태틱 블레스트를 맞을 때 체스퀸 효과가 발동 됩니다. 효과가 발동한 생존자 주위 4m 이내에 팀원이 있을 경우 생존자들은 충격 요법과 정적 폭발과 동일한 효과로 충격을 받는다. (전기충격 전염 효과)
  • Iridescent King add-on: 생존자가 전기 충격과 스태틱 블레스트를 맞았을 때 무작위의 디버프를 겁니다. (전구가 가지고 있는 모든 디버프) 
  • 전기 충격 맞았을 때의 점수가 이제 Pacified. 라고 뜹니다.
  • 스태틱 블레스트 맞았을 때 점수 이렇게 뜸 - > (Tranquilized - 300 Bloodpoints).

Static Blast

스태틱 블레스트는 닥터의 새로운 기술이다. 우리는 치료 모드와 처벌모드를 전환할 수 있는 능력을 제거했다. 닥터는 이제 언제나 평타랑 전기충격이랑 스태틱 블레스트를 사용 할 수 있다. 스태틱 블레스트는 사용시 2초의 충전 시간이 걸리고 60초의 쿨타임을 갖고 있다.


  • 닥터의 스태틱 블레스트는 그의 심장 반경 내에 있는 모든 생존자들을 50의 광기 점수를 얻게 한다. (스태틱 블레스트의 광기 단계 상승 실험 했을 때는 정확히 1단계의 광기 단계가 올라갔었음. (살구 유튜브 참고)
  • 스태틱 블레스트를 생존자한테 맞추면 닥터가 웃는다.
  • 영향을 받은 생존자들은 비명을 지를 것이다; 그들은 그들의 광기 수준이 높아지면 그들의 위치를 알려준다.
  • 심장소리 밖의 생존자들은 기능이 충전될 때 그리고 그것이 발사될 때 방향 중립적인 오디오 신호를 듣는다.
  • 심장소리 안의 생존자들은 그 능력의 충전과 능력 사용에 대한 방향 전달 오디오 신호를 듣는다. (심장 소리 안에 있으면 능력 썼을 때의 마지막 발사 소리만 들린다는 얘기)
  • 스태틱 블레스트로 생존자들 맞추면 점수받음

정신차리기 변경점

  • 스킬 체크를 실패한다면 진행 게이지가 25% 줄어든다.
  • 스킬체크는 진행상황의 25%마다 발동한다.
  • 신가다듬기를 도중에 그만두면 처음부터 다시해야했으나 이제 진행상황이 저장된다.
  • 정신차리기에 성공했을 때 광기 단계 3단계 ㅡ> 2단계에서 1단계로 줄어들게 변경되었음.

Treatment Theatre map update (치료관 맵 업데이트)

  • 지도의 시각적 모양과 느낌을 완전히 재작업했다.
  • 맵이 전체적으로 어둡게 바뀌었다. (벽지 등등 다 어두운 색으로 갈아엎음)
  • 맵의 모양이 사각형에서 직사각형으로 변경됨.
  • 발전기가 있는 방 근처엔 깜빡거리는 전등이 추가되었습니다.
  • 토템이 더 잘 숨겨졌습니다.
  • 각 지도 타일을 고유하게 만들었다(반복된 타일 없음) => 예전엔 각 방의 구조물이 랜덤했는데 이제는 확실히 고정 스폰
  • 판자의 분포와 안전성의 균형을 맞췄습니다.
  • 갈고리 분포의 균형을 맞췄습니다.
  • Updated the logic of vault spawns and activations for the Doctor's Office and the Treatment Room. 니가 번역해

UI Improvements

  • Progress bars for Killer powers will now show the Killer's power icon.
  • Added platform prompts when accepting / claiming a Challenge node in the Archives.
  • Changed the level icon shapes in the Tome from squares to diamonds.
  • The level navigation menu becomes golden when a Tome is mastered.


Killer related

  • Fixed an issue that caused not all Survivors to see blood orbs when The Oni had the Renjiro's Bloody Glove add-on equipped.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Oni's Kanobo to disappear when damaging a generator or destroying a pallet. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Wraith and The Spirit not to have their re-appearance lunge speed burst.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause The Nightmare to be unable to place Dream Snares if stunned while placing one.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Trappers bear trap auras to be blocked by multiple assets in most maps. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Trapper to get stuck in an infinite loop when stepping in a bear trap that was placed close to another trap.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Trapper to step in multiple bear traps at once if they are in close proximity.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Trapper not to properly trigger his own bear traps when set by the Iridescent Stone add-on.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to be able to untrap another Survivor from The Trapper's bear traps while the Survivor was being picked up out of the trap. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Doctor's Iridescent King add-on not to always apply its 5 afflictions within 5 shocks. In addition to this bug fix, we also added scoring events for feedback on which afflictions were applied.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Doctor's Shock Therapy not to interrupt Survivors using a flashlight.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to block a part of The Hags screen when performing a basic attack while carrying a Survivor. 
  • Fixed an issue that allowed The Hag, The Hillbilly and The Demogorgon to interact with cleansed totem debris.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Ghost Face to see inside assets when attacking while having a Survivor on their shoulder.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Legion to see inside of lockers when attacking while having a Survivor on their shoulder.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Legion to perform a basic attack on the first hit of Feral Frenzy if activated while being blinded. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Legion to instantly down a Survivor with Feral Frenzy if blinded after activating it. 

Map specific

  • Fixed an issue that made it impossible to interact with a specific chest or Jigsaw box when in front of a tree in the Temple of Purgation map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the camera to clip through walls when being sacrificed on specific hooks in the Hawkins National Laboratory map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some of the flags inside the manor building to have missing textures on one side in the Family Residence map.
  • Fixed an issue that made it impossible for The Nurse to blink in the area around the base of the shrine in the Sanctum of Wrath map. 
  • Fixed an issue that made it impossible to interact with a specific chest of Jigsaw box when it spawned facing a Buddha statue in the Sanctum of Wrath map.
  • Fixed an issue that made it difficult for The Nurse to blink in or around the gazebo tile in the Yamaoka Estate maps.
  • Fixed an issue that made it difficult for The Nurse to blink in or around the shrine tile in the Yamaoka Estate maps.
  • Fixed an issue that made it impossible for The Nurse to blink around the shack tile in the Backwater Swamp maps.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the small boats in the Backwater Swamp maps to have incorrect textures.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some trees to have the wrong textures on their base in the Backwater Swamp maps.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the tops of the corn to appear black in the Coldwind Farm maps.
  • Fixed an issue that caused bear traps to sink into the ground on multiple areas around the silo building in the Torment Creek map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the railing just in front of the basement in the farm house to partially lack collision in the Thompson House map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a visible ground seam in the lodge of the Blood Lodge map.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a placeholder tile to spawn in the Wrecker's Yard map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the chandelier in the chapel to be floating unattached to anything in the Father Campbell's Chapel map.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to climb on top of a rock in the Father Campbell's Chapel map. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused an impassable gap for Killers when a tree spawned too close to the asylum building in the Disturbed Ward map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused players to be floating above the ground on most tiles in the Mount Ormond Resort map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused multiple Killer belongings to be offset or floating when spawned on the watch tower in the Mount Ormond Resort map. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused multiple texture issues on the hills in the Mount Ormond Resort map. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused the windows and walls to be misaligned in the 2 story house in the Badham Preschool maps.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the boarded windows to appear very dark in the Badham Preschool and Lampkin Lane maps.
  • Fixed an issue that made it impossible to vault through a fence window on one side in the Lampkin Lane map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a log pile to be lacking hitbox collision, allowing projectiles and The Cannibals chainsaw not to detect collision in the Lampkin Lane map.
  • Moved the generator on the top floor of a 2 story house in the Lampkin Lane map that caused players to undesirably vault the window instead of repair.
  • Darkened the grass texture in the Lampkin Lane map.
  • Misc LOD fixes and improvements.


  • Fixed an issue that caused the Kindred perk to stay active when the perk owner disconnected while it was active.
  • Rainbow maps will now track chests if revealed by a perk that shows chests (ie: Detective's Hunch).
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Kindred perk to stay active for another player with the perk equipped if the perk owner disconnected while it was active. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused Sprint Burst to trigger when the button was pressed during specific interactions where the player moves but cannot sprint (vaulting, entering/exiting locker).
  • Fixed an issue that caused Survivors not to get notified of Hex: Huntress Lullaby when succeeding a great skill check.
  • Fixed an issue that made it impossible for The Legion to Frenzy vault over a pallet while it was being reset with the Any Means Necessary perk.


  • Fixed an issue that could cause the 4th Survivor slot in the public lobby not to fill. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused Survivors killed by the End Game Collapse not to count towards the Reverent Challenge in Tome 1.
  • Added a retry mechanism for sending Archive Challenge progression to the backend. 
  • Potentially fixed an issue that could cause Survivors to have a permanent Haste effect from perks or when getting hit. 
  • Potentially fixed an issue that could caused Killers to get permanently blinded by the flashlight. Added addition logging to help identify the issue.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a loud noise notification to trigger on the exit gates when they were powered.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to become stuck between a hooked Survivor and a wall when canceling an unhook action.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to snap backwards when picking up and dropping an item without moving.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Killer to crash when loading into the match as The Nurse with the Mother Mercy outfit.  
  • Fixed an issue that caused male Survivors hands to be floating above the Pool of Devotion when cleansing their sickness.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the bear trap in the beginning of the Killer Tutorial to appear closed.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Claudette AI to move around once she begins the struggle phase in the Killer Tutorial.
  • Fixed an issue that caused skirts to appear stretched and warped in the Store and in The Rift. 
  • Misc cosmetic and VFX fixes, improvements and optimizations.
  • Fixed an issue that caused players to receive an Accept Invitation Failure message when accepting an invite at the same time as another player.
  • Fixed an issue that caused great skill checks not to count towards the Nerves of Steel achievement.

Audio & Localization

  • Misc audio adjustments and improvements.
  • Misc localization and translation improvements.


  • Fixed an issue that caused tooltips for items in the free track to overlap on the Tier progress.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Broken status effect to stay displayed on the portrait in the HUD of a Survivor that is sacrificed, killed or disconnected.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Doctor's Madness effect to stay displayed on the portrait in the HUD of a Survivor that is sacrificed, killed or disconnected.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Archives widget to disappear from the tally screen when returning to it after spectating the match.
  • Fixed an issue that caused players rank to display inconsistently in the tally screen across all players if pips were lost or gained.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the spectate button to appear briefly despite not being able to spectate when leaving the tally screen.
  • Fixed an issue that caused medkit heals not to count towards the Benevolent emblem.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Spectators from switching between Survivor and Killer when there was only 2 players in a Custom match. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused the player names on the right side of the screen in a Custom Game lobby to have no function when selecting one. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Clown's Reload progress bar to behave incorrectly when the Kill prompt was present in the HUD.
  • Fixed an issue that caused certain tooltips not to update when switching pages or characters.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Loadout to appear on screen after the lobby timer reached 0 seconds.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Character Info to disappear when searching for a match as a Survivor.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed non-host players in a Play As Survivor lobby to open the Archives while searching for a match.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the item tooltip to stay displayed when interacting with a node as a new Bloodweb level generates.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the banner to refresh each time when attempting to cycle through the new content when only 1 banner was available.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the switch role tooltip in Custom Game lobbies to display when the button was disabled.
  • Misc UI improvements.


  • The Plague's vomit splash can be very loud.
  • The Doctor's Iridescent Queen add-ons static charge VFX is displaced in front of Survivors if they are moving.
  • Survivors do not see illusionary pallets created by The Doctor's "Order" - Carter's Notes add-on.
  • Frame rate issues occur when combining The Doctor's Foul Bile and Auto-Lobotomy cosmetics.
  • A crash occurs when backing out of a Custom Game lobby as a spectator.
  • Survivors may get stuck together after healing a downed Survivor while against a wall.
  • The Hag's red stain becomes brighter when teleporting to a trap.
  • Small FPS drop when there are multiple action prompts cycling on screen for Killers and Survivors.



  • 전기 충격쓰고 1.25초 동안 아무것도 못했었는데 그거 버그였고 사실은 1.0초가 맞다. 본섭에는 정상적으로 도입되었음.
  • 닥터의 전기충격 쿨타임을 3.0초에서 1.5초로 바꾸었다.
  • 닥터 전용 추격 음악 업데이트


  • Fixed multiple crashes related to The Doctor changes and Archives.
  • Fixed an issue that caused loud whispering to be heard after performing the Snap Out Of It action.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Distortion perk not to lose any tokens. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Nemesis perk to incorrectly display a 20 second timer instead of 40/50/60 seconds.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Hex: Ruin perk not to apply to the host of a Custom Game lobby if they switched roles to be a Survivor.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to be able to walk into hooked Survivors when the hooked Survivor spammed the Attempt to Escape action.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Killers to be unable to perform a lunge attack after being blinded by a Chinese Firecracker or a Winter Party Starter.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused The Hag's trap aura and VFX not to appear correctly.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Shape's camera to become slanted when canceling the Kill action.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Madness to regress while hiding in a locker while inside The Doctor's terror radius.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Doctor's Shock Therapy not to play if Static Blasts cooldown ended at the same time. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused female Survivors not to play an open mouth scream animation when shocked by The Doctors Shock Therapy or Static Blast.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Survivors afflicted by the Oblivious status effect not to be affected by The Doctors Static Blast. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Doctor's Iridescent Queen add-on to apply Static Charge while the Survivor with it was in a locker. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Doctor's Maple Knight add-on not to indicate the area of effect for the Interview Tape add-on.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the beam length from The Doctor's Interview Tape add-on not to affect the range increasing add-ons.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Doctor not to lose Bloodlust when using Shock Therapy or Static Blast.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Doctors arm to play the Static Blast or Shock Therapy animations when immediately vaulting after completing the action.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Doctor's hand to stretch when performing the Shock Therapy or Static Blast actions while looking up.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some of The Doctor's head cosmetics to clip through the camera when performing the Shock Therapy or Static Blast actions while looking up. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused certain cosmetic items to drop to the ground after a Survivor was sacrificed.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented users from losing pips when ending the match.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Archive Challenge widget not to appear in the tally screen when quitting the match.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the New Rift pop-up not to bring the user to the current Tome is a quest from the previous Tome was selected.
  • Fixed an issue that caused matches with less than 5 players to persist if a player got disconnected during the loading screen. 
  • Fixed an issue that caused multiple vault points in the Treatment Theatre map not to become contaminated by The Plague's Vile Purge.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an invisible collision on the right side of the basement stairs in the Hawkins National Laboratory and Treatment Theatre maps.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to get temporarily stuck when cleansing a specific totem in the Treatment Theatre map.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Killers from picking up Survivors behind a chest in the Treatment Theatre map.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Killers from interrupting Survivors on two chests in the Treatment Theatre map.
  • Fixed an issue that made it impossible to damage multiple generators from one side in the Treatment Theatre map.
  • Fixed an issue that made it impossible for The Legion to frenzy vault over a specific pallet in the Treatment Theatre map.
  • Fixed an issue that cause a spotlight to be visible in the basement when it spawned in the shock room in the Treatment Theatre map.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed The Doctor to see through the bathroom walls in the Treatment Theatre map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused multiple assets in the Treatment Theatre to have improper projectile collision.
  • Fixed an issue that caused invisible collision along the exterior walls at the exit gate areas in the Treatment Theatre map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an impassable gap between two hospital beds on a specific Tee tile in the Treatment Theatre map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused hook auras not to fully display on the hooks in the Treatment Theatre map.
  • Misc LOD fixes and improvements in the Treatment Theatre map and Charms.
  • Removed the high pitched TV static SFX from the TVs in the Treatment Theatre map.
  • Misc optimizations in the Treatment Theatre map to improve frame rate.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Meg AI to die if left of the ground in the first part of the Killer Tutorial.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed input movements on the loading screen into the Tutorial levels.

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