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2019-08-06 11:18:21 786 0 4 

공유기 있으면 공유기 설정으로 포트포워딩하지만,

 공유기 없을 땐 방화벽에서 포트포워딩 설정해줘야함. 방법은 상단 링크 참조.

하단 내용은 아까 보내드린 링크에서 해결 방법으로 제시하는 포트들. (저는 저기에 있는 포트 다 열었음)

 DMZ 도 옵션 중 하나이지만 권장 사항은 아니며,

포트포워딩을 해도 해결이 안 되는 문제라면 DMZ를 해도 해결이 안 되는게 정상임.

Port forwarding in your router / PC software firewall for the following ports:

  • TCP ports: 80, 443, 20002, 30840, 30850, 30870
  • UDP ports: 30840-30859, 30870-30879

These ports are used for logging into Capcom SFV servers and P2P matchmaking, of course both players still need to have a reasonable, low ping and maintain 60 frames per second during matches to play without lag. 

Explanation / Notes: 

TCP 20002 = Capcom Server / CFN 

TCP 80 = fight request on (usually open by default)

TCP 443 = secure login / browser (usually open by default)

TCP+UDP 30870 = Battle Lounge

TCP 30840-30859, 30870-30879 = Ranked / Casual Matchmaking

If your router allows to forward TCP and UDP ports with a single rule, you can combine them like this:

TCP: 20002

TCP+UDP: 30840-30879

This is a less safe method, because it opens more ports than necessary. 

Some users also reported that the following ports helped to stabilize connections:

TPC+UDP 7777-7778 = Unreal Tournament / UT Engine

UDP 27015 = Steam Server Traffic

TCP 27015 = Steam SRCDS-Rcon-Port

UDP 3478-3480 = Steam P2P + Voice Chat + SFV on PS4

TCP 1935 = SFV on PS4 / General PS4 Port


Additional notes:

Known router / firewall related solutions:

  • use port forwarding in your router firewall or whitelist SFV in your software firewall
  • enable public IP / gaming mode / UPnP in your router settings
  • use "cone NAT", instead of symmetric NAT in Thompson/Technicolor routers (not all firmware allow this, old models can only be modified via Telnet.
  • bypass your router hardware firewall via DMZ (read the warning, leave at least your software firewall enabled)
  • for problematic routers like Technicolor/Thompson: in some cases your ISP won't cooperate / won't tell you your internet login data due to different reasons, so you can't simply replace your router with a better model, but there is a workaround for these cases: you can still disable your old routers hardware firewall completely (set it to bridge mode + disable DHCP), and connect your new router to the 1st LAN port of your old router. What this does: you no longer need the login data for your internet account, your old router will act as a standalone internet "modem" and your new router will route and protect all your network devices behind it, with a hardware firewall.

만약 이렇게 해도 렉 먹는다?

Connection problems: specific ISPs (internet service providers with cgNAT or DS-Lite or parental control filters)

Problem: carrier grade NAT (cgNAT)

Some internet service providers (ISPs) enforce a carrier grade NAT (cgNAT), which means that port forwarding will not work, when your ISP is translating your individual IP + port to a shared multi-user IP + port (basically hiding your connection to other users).

Security wise this is very welcome,

but it is very bad, if you want to

  • access your private / home servers / NAS / clouds / SIP etc. remotely on the go.
  • and/or use peer to peer (P2P) applications + games

because these rely on direct point to point connections, which require individual public IPs.

Common solution:

First make sure that your router is not the source of the problem:

check your

  • router security options
  • game mode/public IP
  • disable proxies/VPNs
  • parental safe search filters (Virgin Media or Sky in UK for example)

Ask your ISP if there are such security measures active for your connection + ask for an individual public IP.

If you are living in a campus, it is possible that your university is using similar connection filters, which can cause connection issues in P2P applications. 

인터넷 회사 연락해서 개별 공용IP를 요청해보라네요.

요컨데 인터넷 회사가 님한테 제공하는 IP를 공용IP로 묶어놓았을 경우가 잇는데,

 그 경우엔 이용하는 인터넷 회사에다가 연락해서 요청하랍니다.

ask for an individual public IP

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