음양사(Onmyoji) 일일퀘스트 문제집 정리 (업데이트:180817)

Broadcaster 마하파파
2018-06-26 10:28:13 2029 2 2

Available daily (EST 미국 표준시 와 대한민국 시차 = -13시간)

- Encounter 17:00-22:00 EST = 06:00-11:00 대한민국

Encounter 문제집

알아내지 못한 답변은 잘못 골랐던 선택지 앞에 X 표시를 해놓았습니다.

질문글의 첫단어의 알파벳 순서로 정리되어 있습니다. (1, 2, 3,~ 이후 A, B, C,~ 이런 방식이에요.) 

1st weekly summon or collection share grants what?

O Mystery Amulet

As a gift from the gods, where was Susabi born?

O In a village by the sea.

Dark Seimei told who to eat humans in the story?

O Momiji

Hakuro is an expert at...

O Archery

Hououka ask Seimei to remove who from the Peacock Forest?

O Yao Bikuni

How can you get a Starlight Sky frame?

O Complet Unlucky Streak: Extreme.

How is Honor earned?

O Duel

How long did Yao Bikuni wait for Seimei in the Peacock Forest?

O 30 years

How many orbs can Aoandon absorb with Lantern Drain?

O 1

How many orbs does Gold Barrage cost?

O 2

How many types of Evo materials are there?

O 4

How much AP does Kraken Zone cost?

O 30

Kingyo invited who to the girls-only party in the story?

O Susabi

What % of HP can a shikigami in Shouzu's Circuit recover after a turn?

O 5%

What can you obtain from the Demon Parade?

O Shards

What can you receive from making a wish in a guild?

O Shards

What cannot be done under the Onmyoji interface?

O Leveling up a shikigami

What does Yamausagi ride on?

O A frog.

What is required to place a shikigami in the Courtyard?

O Unlock all Bios.

What is the requirement for a shikigami to upgrade?

O Reaching the current max level

What is the top % of HP that Ebisu's Carp Banner can inherit?

O 60

What is Tesso's catchphrase?

O A rat brings riches to your flat.

What was Seimei looking for so he could defeat Orochi?

O The Sword of Kusanagi

What's the effect of Kagura's "Channel: Storm"?

O Ally gets an immediate action.

What's the name of Kyonshi Imoto's pet dog?

O Tomato

What's the name of Mouba's pot ride?

O Bitey

Where can you access side chapters?

O Heian Tales

Where can you earn medals?

O Everything else.

Where can you find Paper Dolls?

O Everything else.

Where can you re-experience the unlocked main chapters?

O The Sakura Tree in the Courtyard

Where did Puppeteer and her brother sleep in the story?

O In the Sanzu River

Where did Yao Bikuni and Seimei first meet?

O Phoenix Forest

Where is the shard of the Sword of Kusanagi in the story?

O In the Underworld

Which 4-piece soul set effect reflects damage back?

O Mirror Lady

Which 4-piece soul set grants orbs at the start of battle?

O Azure Basan

Which bonus cannot be found in an Exploration zone?

O Paper Doll Bonus Treasure

Which creature stands on the sign rack in the Courtyard?

O A raven.

Which content cannot be found in Collection?

O The level of a shikigami

Which effect can a 2-piece set of Tree Nymph trigger?

O DEF Bonus

Which effect can a 4-piece set of Azure Basan trigger?

O Gaining an orb

Which effect can a 4-piece set of Claws trigger?

O Partially ignoring DEF

Which effect can a 4-piece set of Holy Flame trigger?

O Restoring HP

Which effect can a 4-piece set of Snow Spirit trigger?

O Inflicting Freeze

Which effect can a 4-piece set of Tree Spirit trigger?

O Healing bonus

Which hand(s) did Ibaraki Doji lose?

O His right hand.

Which is an adorable girl?

O Zashiki

Which is not required for upgrading a shikigami?

O Mystery Amulet

Which item can be redeemed at the Mystic Trader?

O Everything else

Which item can never summon an SSR shikigami?

O Broken Amulet

Which item can provide a lot of EXP to shikigami?

O Base Daruma

Which item is required for upgrading AP Bento?

O Medal

Which item is required for summoning a shikigami?

O Mystery Amulet

Which item or material is required for upgrading a soul?

O Souls

Which one is a healing skill?

O Healing Light

Which one is a single-target damage skill?

O Non-Self

Which one is an AoE skilll?

O Lantern Drain

Which one is not Tesso's skill?

O Great Fortunes

Which onmyoji can summon a double to assist in battle?

O Hiromasa

Which quest is not available in Daily Quest?

O Duel

Which rarity of shikigami cannot be evolved?


Which reward is not obtainable from Daily Login?

O New shikigami

Which shikigami was kidnapped by Youko?

O Koi

Which skill can dispel the debuff on allies?

O Sky Tears

Which skill can increase the SPD of allies?

O Lingering Sound

Which skill can inflict a controlling effect?

O Blizzard

Which skill can inflict Silence?

O Silence Drop

Which skill can inflict Silence on your enemy?

O Spirit Crush

Which skill can inflict Taunt on an enemy?

O Unbreakable

Which skill can raise the Move Bar of your allies?

O Bunny Dance

Which skill can revive your ally?

O Revival Blossom

Which skill cannot decrease the damage taken by allies?

O Channel: Butterflies

Which skill is an AoE skill?

O Feather Dance

Which stat is increased after Hakuro enters a meditative state?

O Crit DMG

Who abducted Kagura in her dream in the story?

O Kodokushi

Who always rides on a pot?

O Mouba

Who became the masters of Kuro and Shiro in the story?

O Kuro Mujou and Shiro Mujou

Who can devour nightmares?

O Yumekui

Who cannot fly?

O Kusa

Who cannot heal his/her ally?

O Hououka

Who did Enma order Seimei to defeat in the story?

O Puppeteer

Who do Yuki Onna and Ootengu follow in the story?

O Dark Seimei

Who doesn't have horns or antlers?

O Shuten Doji

Who doesn't have wings?

O Yamawaro

Who doesn't wear a mask?

O Tanuki

Who has the most tails?

O Mio

Who holds a kite?

O Blue Imp

Who is good at dancing?

O Sakura

Who is Ibaraki Doji's best friend?

O Shuten Doji

Who kidnapped Kagura to Mt. Gloom in the story?

O Kamikui

Who killed Inugami's friend, Sparrow, in the story?

O Kyuumei Neko

Who likes to play the drum?

O Yellow Imp

Who likes to tell stories?

O Aoandon

Who looks like the Mystic Trader?

O Akashita

Who performed a power-consuming ritual to seal Orochi for a while?

O Onmyoji of Kyoto

Who plays with a cup-and-ball toy?

O Red Imp

Who secretly loves Koi in the story?

O KAPPA (이모티콘으로 인식되서 모두 대문자화 하였습니다.)

Who told Seimei where the Sword of Kusanagi shard was?

Yao Bikuni, Dark Seimei, X Ibaraki Doji

Who turned Momiji into a cannibal?

O Dark Seimei

Who waited on the broken bridge for her husband to return?

O Ame Onna

Who wants to be with her brother forever?

O Puppeteer

Who was abducted to force Seimei to break the Orochi seal?

O Kagura

Who were racing on the streets of Heian-Kyo?

O Yamausagi and Mouba

Whose voice comes from a different voice artist?

O Oguna

Whose voice comes from a different voice artist?

Momo, X Puppeteer, Shouzu

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